Brothers and friends at CCM’s Men’s New World are warmly welcome you to join us to share
your real life stories and challenges so that we all could build genuine friendship as to encourage
and support each together to join hands to go on….
Men's New World 男人新天地
Under the Men’s Ministry at the CCM Toronto Centre, Men’s New World is a program that meets every Thursday from 7:30pm to 9:30pm. This main program, starting from September 12, 2013, has developed over the course of the past seven years, helping countless individuals in need. Each week, a member of the group opens their heart to provide his story on a past event of his life so that the group can reflect, discuss, and share their own experiences on the same matter. In doing so, we build bonds and address issues that occur in our day-to-day lives.
「男人新天地」是被定位為面向社群的一個男仕團體。其宗旨是希望提供一個平台讓參與其中的男仕能夠互相認識、共聚;在輕鬆愉快的氣氛中彼此建立真摯的友誼。透過參予男士們坦誠的分享、參與一些專題講座和小組討論,鼓勵多表達個人心裡的感受或分享過來人的經驗; 坦誠對話,互勵互勉使參與的男仕能夠更了解自己。同時, 藉着參予男士們坦誠的分享可構成一面镜子誘發男士聽衆們作一些反省和省察内心的一些幽暗, 繼而讓他們更正確地、更有勇氣地去處理過去的傷痛和積極地面對生活上各種挑戰。